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Showing posts from January, 2017

Child makes a mother and mother a child - Not the gender

7th January, 2017 - In yet another initiative of prenatal and post natal health, Sanidhya Hospital at South Bopal organised an awareness drive. A fun filled day where expecting mothers were invited to gather know how of many of their queries which remain either unanswered or leave them confused with too many inputs which are given by friends or relatives. Dr. Archana Shah, gynaecologist and infertility specialist at Sanidhya Hospital mentioned, "this effort has been especially taken to educate the would be mothers who in today's age of nuclear families have no one to mentor them. Generally when expecting mothers arrive for consultation, which is of few minutes only, they have a list of queries which too need addressed with care and patience, hence we arrived at a better fun-filled and holistic solution to their requirement." "Mommies Day Out" as the workshop is christened had sessions on breast feeding, yoga, labour management and foot spa. The che

Perspectives of art on materials captured in frame

1. Architecture carved on wood, placed on canvas Deepa Varan an artist and architect amalgamates both her skills; places of historical importance especially architectural remains have been carved on wood and painted. On plyboard she has drawn, painted and cut those pieces herself. The Toran especially with jigsaw machine was quite a task of patience and precision. She has captured Restoration and it's depth. In another series print and drawing both have been merged to give depth to the paintings  made on basis of perpectives she has captured. Key highlight of her works is Sarnath remains. 2. Dogmas... Dogs evolving and humans..? Ajay Dhapa: in his metal sculpted works made in black only; has compared dog with human forms . It signifies the job nowadays human beings do is similar to a dogs character. He has love for dogs therefore has observed them carefully thus was able to corelate dogs with human. He came to a conclusion that a dog is actually better than to